Promo!Shipping: FREE Estimated Delivery: Within 22 days We apologize for the delay in the delivery of our products. We will try to shorten this delivery time soon, thank you! Included in this pack is the ergonomic mouse that is comfortable and perfect for resting your thumb, so you can work or study at home without any effort for several hours, and it also has our wire-free keyboard to beautify and save your workspace.
Promo!Shipping: FREE Estimated Delivery: Within 22 days We apologize for the delay in the delivery of our products. We will try to shorten this delivery time soon, thank you! In this pack we have including the ergonomic mouse that leaves your arm in a natural position that relaxes the muscles in your hand and arm, plus its rubber coating of this mouse ensures that your hand stays steady while working for long periods of time. And to complement this mouse we also have the mousepad that makes your wrist feel more comfortable when using the mouse, in addition the mousepad is non-slip, it does not make you have small slips while using it.
Promo!Shipping: FREE Estimated Delivery: Within 22 days We apologize for the delay in the delivery of our products. We will try to shorten this delivery time soon, thank you! For this pack the two devices are wireless-free, the headphones you can walk around wherever you want without worrying about wires, and the keyboard will help organize your workspace so you don't have to deal with wires getting left on your desk.
Promo!Shipping: FREE Estimated Delivery: Within 22 days We apologize for the delay in the delivery of our products. We will try to shorten this delivery time soon, thank you! In this pack here, our wireless keyboard is included to beautify and save your workspace, also Mac adapter is included in case you need to expand the number of ports or want other types of input for your Macbook. This USB adapter for MacBook allows you to connect keyboard, mouse, hard drive, etc., and data transmission speed up to 5 Gbps, compatible with USB A 2.0 and below.
Promo!Shipping: FREE Estimated Delivery: Within 22 days We apologize for the delay in the delivery of our products. We will try to shorten this delivery time soon, thank you! In this pack is included the wireless keyboard that will help you save your workspace plus the mouse, also included are the pads for each of them, using them will offer better comfort so you don't have to strain yourself too much. Plus it is made with a soft foam that provides exceptional comfort.